Does your home feel like it’s lacking anything as of late? It’s time to dust off your planner and start budgeting a home renovation project. Homeowners across the country are becoming more savvy as to the different ways they can simultaneously save money and spend money at the same time, whether it’s a more energy efficient bathroom remodeling session or a brand new home library design that makes more intelligent use of surrounding space. Whatever you’re looking for, giving your house a makeover will do wonders for your financial, physical and emotional health.
How Popular Is Bathroom Remodeling?
Should you do a home library design or try a new bathroom vanity design? It doesn’t hurt to look at what other homeowners are choosing to spend their money on. A mid-range bathroom remodel is widely considered by interior design professionals to be a very solid investment for most homes — the Remodeling Magazine’s annual Cost v.s. Value Report saw an average bath remodel of around $16,000 will recoup an impressive 72% of those costs when it’s time to sell your home. For those worried about a good ROI, you can’t go wrong with custom cabinetry design or a bathroom-related touch-up.
What About Kitchen Remodeling?
Bathroom good to go? Maybe you should take a look at your kitchen instead. Studies have shown nearly eight million homeowners will remodel their kitchen per year in the United States — this ranges from an entire kitchen remodeling session to a simple faucet or tile replacement. Appliances and counter tops are both given the highest priority in most kitchen remodeling assignments due to their functionality and frequent usage, though you can improve just about any aspect of your cooking and cleaning area.
Are Cabinet Installations A Good Idea?
You use your cabinets to store everything from food to cleaning supplies. After a while these can become worn out and dirty, in dire need of fixing up or an outright replacement. If your existing cabinets are in poor shape or perhaps suffering from unseen water damage, re-facing is actually considered one of the worst options you can choose from — you’ll end up spending far more money patching them up than if you replaced it entirely and started over anew.
Should I Do A Home Library Design?
If you’re an avid reader or just like the look of an old-fashioned abode, a home library design might be in the cards. Modern designs are designed to be both water-efficient and functional, creating the ultimate space you can rely on to get you through the year. A home library can be small, hardly more than a nook in your living room, or have an entire individual space dedicated to the organizing of furniture, books and accessories.
What Home Renovation Project Should I Do?
The first step toward changing your home for the better is hiring a professional designer. They will make sure both your contractors and installers are scheduled in an orderly fashion, waiving away stress and giving you peace-of-mind as your home is transformed from the inside out. The National Kitchen And Bath Association (shortened to the NKBA) highly recommends spending up to six months evaluating and planning your home renovation project out to avoid any surprise fees or unwanted elements. With a more comfortable home and a bolstered ROI, there’s little reason to keep delaying your dream project.