When you work in a business that deals quite a bit with heavy machinery, it is important that safety is the number one priority. In order to operate such heavy duty machinery, there needs to be proper training, and proper supervision until a new operator is properly certified to operate it on his or her own. And even for the most experienced operators, a very strict measure of care must be applied during operation, regardless of the amount of time spent on the machine or how comfortable he or she is with it.
The machines used for construction, lifting, building and other major operations could easily do great damage to surroundings or people if not handled with the proper care and knowledge. This is why there are such specific and often in depth guidelines and regulations surrounding such machinery.
Understanding different types of crane pads
There are several different types of operations that require proper stabilization of heavy machinery, particularly when you are working with machines that are not only extremely heavy but also extremely large in size, such as many different types of cranes. Crane outrigger pads help to stabilize the crane to avoid the incredibly potentially dangerous and destructive event of a crane tipping over. One thing that is often debated when it comes to outrigger crane pads is the material that should be used for ground mats or pads. Is there a difference in wood, thermoplastic, or steel crane pads?
Some experts claim there are. While some materials can be just as strong, steel pads can weigh excessively more, making it more difficult to transport, and having a greater impact on the area it is positioned. And while wood might seem like a good option, it is nowhere near as durable, and will often crack or wear down quickly.
Following the regulations
Once you do find the right mats and pads for your particular project, it is always going to come back to that crucial issue of safety. From the right training to following the regulations laid out by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, as well as ASME, or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and others specific to your profession, machinery, and project, your safety and the safety of those around you must remain paramount.