A healthy lifestyle involves a lot of small actions.
It’s not just about committing to a strict exercise regimen three times per week, but knowing when to step back from a stressful situation and take a breath. It’s knowing when to take an extra hour of sleep after a particularly hard day. When it comes to the water you use to drink and rinse off your dishes? Checking out water softener replacement parts can be a tiny action with a massive impact. It will make sure you never have to worry about excess minerals making their way into your water system and affecting the well-being of your family.
What could you do to make your drinking water even more healthy?
A better way to learn about the benefits of water softener replacement parts is reviewing what, exactly, regular consumption of clean water does for our quality of life. Water makes up two-thirds of who we are and influences everything we do. Likewise, a drop in your water count can have significant consequences for your ability to focus, learn and function. Take dehydration, for example, which is considered a hidden epidemic in the United States. Millions of American adults and children today are operating on too little water in lieu of coffee, soda and various sugary juices.
What can dehydration do to affect your health? Recent studies have shown even mild dehydration (which is 1% to 3% of your body weight) can impair many aspects of regular brain function, which includes concentration, memory retention and your general mood. The U.S. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention have reported American youth drinking an average of 15 ounces of water between 2005 and 2010. American adults drank an average of 40 ounces of water on a given day. Drinking water isn’t just refreshing, but a necessary part of encouraging proper brain function.
There are a lot of contaminants that can get in the way of you drinking clean water, unfortunately. Hard water build-up is among the most common and easily identifiable. Do you sometimes see white or gray scum building up around your bathtub, shower walls or faucet head? That’s a sign you have excess minerals in your water supply. A recent study found nearly 80% of the country has hard water in some form or another, with this measure being analyzed in grains per gallon or milligrams per liter. Some areas even have hard drinking water containing 100% or more of the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.
It’s not just too many minerals that can leave your water scummy and have you searching up water softener replacement parts. It’s also bacteria that can find its way into your water supply and making you and your family sick. The more common ones you can find are E.coli and salmonella (the latter most well-known in uncooked eggs but able to be found in multiple locations). Bacteria and viruses can be as small as 0.1 to 0.004 microns in size, leaving reverse osmosis the best way of filtering and removing the majority out of your water supply. When you want to make sure your water is always healthy, a whole house water softener is a good place to start.
You can buy a water softener for the whole house or learn about the benefits of portable water filtration. You can look into a reverse osmosis system to reduce your risk for accumulating harmful bacteria or figure out the benefits of water softener replacement parts for an existing model. These tiny actions will go a long way in making sure you never have to worry about the aftermath of pouring a simple glass of water on a hot day. A home water test can cost as low as $15 to a few hundred dollars, depending on what you’re looking for.
When you’re ready to live healthy, there are more than enough reverse osmosis systems and water softeners available to bring the best out of your water supply.