A lot goes into the design and opening of a new business. A lot needs to be considered, including the overall decoration of the office, the layout of the employee and the customer seating areas and even the functionality of the office. Many details may even be overlooked, including the entrance door to the office. This is actually an important part of the office, as it provides many uses for the business. The front door should be functional, aesthetically pleasant and secure. Thought and consideration needs to be given when designing the front door of an office of a business.
Installing a door may seem like a simple process, especially if you are generally a handy person. It may even seem like too simple of a task to hire a professional to complete. However, the front door needs to be entirely functional, for both employees and for potential customers. An employee who struggles with the front door may become annoyed and they may not fully close or open it, leading to safety issues. Even more, a customer who struggles with a front door may be annoyed before even stepping into the store. This can cause them to spend less, and could even cause them to refrain from entering the business.
A front office door should also be aesthetically pleasant, and should invite potential customers to come in and visit the office. It should not turn away people, making them feel like the office is too run down or too superior for their current needs. A front entrance door should be complimentary to all types of customers. Many store owners will even decorate the front door with holiday appropriate decorations to further welcome the customers and to make the employees feel more at home.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, an entrance door needs to be secure. Installing a door incorrectly can easily prevent the door from being secure. In 10% or more of homes, deadbolts may be improperly installed, allowing thieves to easily get inside of your home or office space. Installing a door improperly can lead to theft of store inventory, or even worse, of customer information. These types of incidents can cost a business owner hundreds or thousands of dollars. According to the latest FBI statistics, there were 1.9 million burglaries in the United States in 2013, resulting in $4.5 billion in property loss.
Commercial door locks offer additional security for businesses. When a door is installed improperly, it should be immediately replaced with a commercial replacement door. The door should also be fitted for different types of keys, allowing both employees and the owner of the office space different entrance options. Keys duplicated for commercial locksmith are safe when the business owner goes through a reputable and qualified company. Finally, commercial door locks Roselle should be sure to encourage employees and business owners to always lock their entrance doors when no one is in the office, even during daylight hours. About 63% of residential burglaries take place during the day.Installing a door properly can actually save your company a lot of money.
Although front doors of businesses are often overlooked because they are so simple to install, they are actually much more important to the safety and the design of a business. The front door is what invites potential customers in, and makes them feel comfortable. The front door is also the area that any potential customers will enter in. The employees will also use the front door a lot. Finally, front doors that are not properly installed can reduce the level of safety and security that it is needed for. A great front entrance should also be safe and secure and should provide locks and keys for only specific and trusted employees.