Santa Fe Exclusives is the only real estate firm in Santa Fe specializing exclusively in luxury homes. We sat down with Nobel Davis, a broker with the company, to discuss the highs and lows of owning her own brokerage.
Ms. Nobel, the luxury home market sounds like it might be tough to break into. Can you remember a time when you were inclined to give up?
While real estate sales in Santa Fe are not necessarily seasonal, the economy does play a role in the decisions buyers and sellers of luxury homes make. Earlier in my career when I experienced what I refer to as ‘down’ time, I panicked. No one had prepared me for the inevitable challenges of living without an income or lack of control. I thought I should find a good job with a salary and benefits. No matter how much thought I gave to it, I didn’t want to trade what I loved doing for the security of a job I didn’t enjoy. After committing myself to being a real estate broker for the long haul, I asked myself what had been lacking when I had been very busy. The big picture revealed that time is what I needed. There never seems to be enough of it. Improving my skills through specialized education, learning new technology, streamlining my business to add value to my clients, networking with realtors in other cities, and a general overhaul is occasionally necessary but often overlooked. I’ve learned that down time is a blessing. It’s an opportunity to evaluate who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it.
That’s a valuable piece of wisdom! What has been the biggest obstacle to your success so far?
Ensuring that you devote sufficient time to each of your clients is the biggest challenge in running your own real estate brokerage. As a consumer, I’m frustrated when I’m questioned by one person and handed off to one or more individuals and having to repeat myself to get the answers I need. Wouldn’t it be great to have direct access to the information and answers you need? That’s what you get when you work with me.
It certainly sounds as though you’ve been able to work through that challenge. What would you say has been the most rewarding part of running your real estate brokerage?
The most rewarding part of running your own real estate brokerage is knowing first hand that your clients’ needs, desires and expectations are met, beginning with the first call to the day the transaction closes.
Santa Fe Exclusives is located at 199 W. Coronado Road in South Capitol, NM. For more information, visit www.santafeexclusives.com or call (505) 988-4040.
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