When buying equipment for your camping trips or garden, it’s important to look first and foremost at all of the options on the table. We’re only as efficient as the equipment we use and anything less can risk a result that just doesn’t sit well. A lightweight hose sees usage throughout many different areas of life, from casual gardening to landscaping projects, and holds a lot of responsibility in our hearts. Can it make sure we’re drinking water safe? Will it hold up to extreme temperatures and harsh weather? These questions don’t mean we’re picky.
It means we want to buy smart.
Travelers, gardeners and landscapers can all relate on the function of a good lightweight hose. A commercial water hose should be easy to handle and even easier to maintain, as nobody wants to invest their hard-earned money in a product that doesn’t hold up over the years. Simple maintenance can be done through routinely checking for clogs and keeping the hose wound properly to avoid dents. It’s the little details, though, that separates one hose from another.
A gardener wants a hose that can give their vegetables, flowers and shrubbery fresh water every single day. The typical garden and utility hose diameters are between half an inch to three-fourths of an inch, with many garden hoses often between 25 feet to 100 feet, to boot. These figures can make shopping a breeze, especially with so many options to peruse at any given outlet or specialty store. The average garden hose should last at least five years. Anything less is a purchase that should be learned from.
Green landscaping has become a beloved option for homeowners and businesses alike. It’s cost-efficient, easier on the environment and yields results that lasts. Anyone with an interest in green lawn care is best off using a soaker hose that’s no more than 100 feet long. The hose nozzle or sprinkler in question should have a burst pressure either at or above 350 PSI. This ensures that coverage is consistent and every last plant gets the moisture it craves. An average sized lawn that receive an inch of water per session will require just over half a gallon.
For those that want a lightweight hose for camping trips, finding a happy balance between length and cleanliness is often high on the list. It’s recommended by commercial outlets and RV park owners alike that a hose for camping trips be certified for potable water. These hoses often come in white or blue colors and range from 10 to 50 feet to be both portable and flexible. The water in an RV should be as clean as possible when used for drinking, washing and playing. A good hose can keep it that way.
What else can we look for in a hose manufacturer? What we would look for in any other product worth our time and money. Optimal lawn watering with sprinkler systems takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the size, and significant time can be saved when using a high-quality lightweight hose. This eliminates the need for repeat trips as well as the possibility for uneven coverage. Some hoses even have materials that never kink even when under extreme pressure or temperature.
Professional demands and hobbyist interest alike will benefit from a water hose that can hold up to any task.