Commercial toilets Shower base Shower bases

3 Hidden Costs Of A Commercial Toilet


Most commercial toilets are very effective. When you buy commercial urinals in bulk, you are likely to save big money. This is also true when you shop for a shower base. Buying many shower bases at once will lower the per unit cost. However, most people do not have a need of many urinals or bases at once. In fact, contractors that are a part of a project that calls for new bathrooms are typically the only ones buying these items in bulk. The good news for you as a private buyer just looking for a commercial toilet or shower base to use at home is that there are a lot of liquidators and wholesalers on the market for bathroom fixtures.

However, there are some costs to think about that may not come up as you shop. First, the delivery of your commercial toilet needs to be considered. If you can buy one locally, do it. It is often far less costly to visit the toilet sales location and haul it off on your own than it is to order a new toilet by catalog or online and pay shipping.

Second, the installation is trickier with commercial water fixtures. If you really want one of these powerful toilets at home, a professional should probably be paid to install it. Finally, maintenance or replacement is not cheap with these toilets. Make sure to buy a commercial toilet that is known for its durability.

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