Nearly 8.9 million American households have an RV, according to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association. Camping is very popular throughout the country and at least 16% of people who took camping trips, took them in an RV, according to the 2014 American Camping Report. RV parks and campgrounds took in about $5 billion in 2013. There are a lot of details involved in RVing, such as not forgetting the crane pads to keep your RV safe at the campsite to planning your route. Here are some tips to make your experience better.
1. How much RVing do you plan to do? Renting an RV is a good idea if you know you want to take only one trip in your life or one trip every few years. Renting an RV can also be a good idea if you want to test out the whole idea of owning an RV. It is a big decision. On the other hand, there are some great things about buying your own RV. The first is that you can just go when you want to. It also means you will have some extra storage around your home (or wherever you store it) for when you are not on a trip. You will need to store the gear such as the steel crane pads and the other supplies.
2. Learn everything you can about the RV. It does not matter if you are renting an RV or have bought one. Before you head off on the road in the RV, you need to know as much as you can about it so you can safely drive and park it. When you are on the road, you will be in a better spot if you can spot and deal with any issues with the vehicle. If you can handle the small problems yourself, you will have more peace of mind and can save yourself some money, as well.
3. Do a dry run. Driving an RV is not like driving your car, it takes practice and work and patience. Most people make some mistakes. There is something you can do to make that easier. When you are planning your first trip, map it out. Look at the terrain. Find out about hills you will encounter along the way. Look at the size of the roads you will be on when you go. Take the RV for a test drive. Drive around your home town on roads that are similar to what you will encounter on your trip. It takes some work to get used to driving an RV up and down hills so practice that. Try lane changes. Work on your parking. Keep in mind that the weight of the RV changes how you brake and make turns.
4. Do not travel light on maintenance items. When you are on the road, if you break down, that is not the time to find out that you do not have the right tools to fix something simple. You need a full toolkit. Bring all of the extra supplies you will need. Do not leave home without your crane pads, for instance. You need more than just DICA crane pads, you also need things like connections, cables, bolts and nuts.
5. Make a plan. They say that “a failure to plan is a plan to fail.” That is an apt saying for the work of RVing. Sometimes people think that RV travel is a spontaneous adventure but the opposite is true. There are some things that you need to plan out before you leave. They include:
- Plan out your route. This is not just about the directions to each site but you should look up other things about your trip. Look up places to get gas, places to eat, where you will stay and things to see along the way. You may miss fun things to do and see.
- Put together a budget. This will help you know when to buy food to eat in and how much you can spend eating at restaurants along the way. There may be some really great eatery on your route and you do not want to run out of cash before you get there.
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